Maximize Efficiency with Group Housing Support for Hotels

Hotel Group Housing Solutions

As a hotel owner or operator, you face a multitude of challenges. From hiring a reliable group housing coordinator to maintaining staff engagement, the journey is far from easy. But what if we told you that there’s a simpler, more effective solution? Prosper is here to transform your hotel’s operational efficiency.

At Prosper, we understand hotel management inside and out. With an average team experience of over 15 years in senior roles with the major hotel brands, we have the credibility and talent to help you maximize performance across all brands.

A Powerful Combination of Technology & Accuracy

Our unique selling proposition lies in our proprietary technology and in-house expertise. This powerful combination enables us to provide insightful data and follow it through to implementation. We don’t just hand over information; we implement changes, measure effectiveness, and promote results, creating a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement.

Our Group Housing Support service ensures accuracy in building group blocks and inputting rooming lists. With our flexible, simple pricing models, you get focused services tailored to your needs. Whether you choose our base or advanced package, you’re not locked into a long-term contract. Plus, you can flex between models as needed and add credits for additional reservations.

Uniquely Positioned

We have experience with all major hotel brands and work effectively with management companies.

Cost Saving Credibility

The ability to achieve scale with a lower cost and better ROI to owners.


In-house proprietary technology that saves time and money with reporting across all brands.

Find the Right Partner

Traditional Hotel BI Solutions provide insightful information, but do not follow through to implementation.

With Prosper, we collect the insights, implement the changes, measure the effectiveness, and promote the results.

This becomes a virtuous cycle.


Group Housing Support

Build out group blocks according to contract specifications. This includes accurate billing classification.

Enter each rooming list with all accurate details, including billing classifications. Release group block accordingly.

Modify rooming list and group blocks accordingly.

Honestly, we are so thankful for Prosper and everything they do. We are seeing some of the fastest turn-around times with the items we send, and they support our hotel team in such a graceful manner.

I cannot stress enough how thankful we are for this service. It saves me an immense amount of time/energy to further focus on other important items.

We’re not just another hotel BI solution. We’re here to drive effective hotel support across all brands. If you’re ready to elevate your hotel’s performance? Contact us so we can get started.

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Team Prosper

At Prosper, we’re all about helping hotel teams and leaders reach their top potential. We do this by really listening to their needs, guiding them with our expertise, and bringing fresh ideas to the table. Our support helps them boost performance, increase revenue, and reduce stress, making us the go-to partner that hotel folks rely

About Us

Hello, we’re Prosper We help hotels maximize performance Grade-A Commercial Support for Everyone That’s been our vision since we founded Prosper in 2020. First it meant providing revenue management support to branded hotels in the US. Now it means a whole range of useful services for all hotels, from digital marketing to group housing. Today

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